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This's an update blog about my favorite Korean Artist Hyun Bin.
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Selasa, 11 Desember 2012


There are some quotes in the dialogue that were raised by Hyun Bin as the handsome CEO Kim Joo Won in the Secret Garden drama
Here are couple of them :

Kim Soo Han Moo Geo Bukgi Wa Doo Roo Mi Sam Cheon Gab Sa Dong Bang Sark Chi Chi Ka Po Sa Ri Sa Ri Sen Ta Weo Ri Weo Ri Se BBu Ri Ka Moo Doo Sel La Goo Roomi Heo Ri Kae In Dam 

 This sentence is spoken by Kim Joo Won once he felt like to calm down himself or upset. Joo Won frequently uttered Kim Soo Han Moo after his first meeting with Gil Ra Im and Gil Ra Im always haunt his mind.

Since What Age Did You Become So Pretty?

  Remember the scene that Kim Joo Won do sit up in Action School where he did not get a partner and eventually was forced Gil Ra Im to be his partner. This scene may be said to be the most parodied scenes throughout year 2011.

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